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Events und Meetups

Creating a thriving community is crucial for sustained success, whether it be for a product or any aspect of the production process. Our focus is on fostering cloud adoption, developing effective strategies, and aligning technology and business. We believe that bringing like-minded individuals together to freely exchange their experiences and knowledge is a crucial component of this mission.

If you're interested in hosting a meetup, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We would be thrilled to support your efforts in fostering community and sharing knowledge.

List of Potential Topic Areas

Cloud Transition and Strategy

Navigating the journey from traditional infrastructure to cloud-based systems. Cost Optimization in the Cloud

Strategies for maximizing cost efficiency in cloud environments.

Automation of Lean Cloud Usage

Utilizing tools and services to streamline cloud operations and reduce waste.

Cloud Security and Compliance

Ensuring data protection and regulatory compliance in the cloud.

Cloud Native Architecture and Design

Designing systems and applications with the cloud in mind for optimal performance and scalability.

Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Strategies

Navigating the complexities of multiple cloud providers and finding the best fit for your organization.

These topics are just the beginning of the exciting areas we could explore together. Join us in discovering the full potential of cloud technology.



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